E2PDF – SMS, CALL Backup And Restore For Android Mobile

Now a days we all use android mobiles and with these android mobiles we constantly make calls here and there. Our phone call list contains various phone numbers that are very important and useful. If for some reason the phone numbers are deleted or lost then you will be in trouble. One of the best apps in play store to backup or restore SMS or phone number is – ‘E2PDF – SMS, CALL Backup And Restore’ through this app you can keep all the SMS and phone numbers of your phone safe. Let us now discuss what this app is and how to use it?

What is E2PDF – SMS, CALL Backup And Restore ?

‘E2PDF – SMS, CALL Backup And Restore’ app is to protect SMS and call PDF or backup. All important SMS and calls on your mobile phone can be protected in PDF format through this app so that they are not lost. which can be saved later. If your mobile is damaged due to any reason then it will be possible to get back all the SMS and call list through the PDF file saved through this app.

What is E2PDF – SMS, CALL Backup And Restore ?

‘E2PDF – SMS, CALL Backup And Restore’ app is to protect SMS and call PDF or backup. All important SMS and calls on your mobile phone can be protected in PDF format through this app so that they are not lost. which can be saved later. If your mobile is damaged due to any reason then it will be possible to get back all the SMS and call list through the PDF file saved through this app.

Special Features

1. Backup & Restore : E2PDF allows you to backup all SMS and call list of your mobile phone in PDF form with this app. If your mobile phone is lost or damaged for any reason then you can recover all contact numbers and SMS through this PDF file. Of course you need to share the PDF file elsewhere via email or other devices.

2. PDF Converter : Through this app you can convert all your mobile phone contact numbers and SMS to PDF format. Another important task that you can do with this app is that if you want to print your mobile phone contact number and SMS or send it to someone, you can do it in PDF format.

3. User Friendly Interface : The interface of E2PDF app is very simple and anyone can use it.

4. Report Generator : The app is capable of generating various types of reports based on your call logs and SMS. It gives a clear picture of your daily activities.

5. Automated Backup : This app can automatically backup your data at regular intervals. As a result your data is always updated.

How To Use E2PDF ?

1. Installation : First of all, install and open the application called E2PDF from Google Play Store.

2. Access Permission : After installing the app, it will ask for permission to access your device’s SMS and call log data. With this permission you can take full advantage of the app.

. Create Backup : First of all select the date from which you want to backup the data. Then you can share the backup anywhere by clicking on the share option.

4. PDF Conversion : You can convert all your SMS and call data into PDF format and share the PDF file anywhere.

5. Restore : If for some reason all the contact numbers and SMS are deleted from your mobile phone, then it will be possible to find them again through the restore option. It would be better if you share it somewhere in PDF format.

Why Use E2PDF ?

1. Data Security : E2PDF will secure your phone’s important calls and SMS with this app. Many of us mistakenly delete an important SMS or call from the phone and never find it again. E2PDF is an app that allows you to easily retrieve PDFs that have already been saved. This app will give you a lot of security.

2. Ease Of Use : The simple interface and user friendly design of the app makes it easier to use.

3. SMS And Call Backup : We all have many important SMS and call list in our mobile, if for some reason the call list and SMS are deleted then we can’t get it back. If your mobile phone is lost or damaged then you will not get call list and sms back. In that case, if you share the data in PDF form to another device or email in advance through this E2PDF app, it will be possible to get it back from there.

E2PDF this app will help you to restore and backup your mobile essential and important things like call list and sms. Various call list and sms in your mobile can be easily backed up in pdf format. By sharing the PDF file to another device or anywhere, you can retrieve it later.

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